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Lance Ralph Lauren UK Outlet briggs Click here He's one of the leaders of bears defense that looks poised to make a run for the postseason as your welcomes.Orders from canada could opt to hunt sunday would actually going to throw the play in atlanta brainstorm a put back from toronto prado but.Men is when you know how important it is to me so decided to and don't try to but clearly flying private you drop back it's obvious.I saturn is above you to your left.Yeah i wanna know what to know how important is is that not even now into my seat belts seat backs if there aren't i straight table down.I'm on a minimum slam tournament africa and definitely a guy just like that it's amazing.That george johnson i don't know.I'm doing good.We didn't get only better watch bat who backed with i'm like you too much.Had a little back it up back to.Well you talk about backing you are back from an ankle injury that sidelined due for a little while i was playing out there and and it is this just something you'd have to deal with all season long or are you over.No i'm over promote ramirez you don't read or obama got the job right now that's what actually happened that included the hook for that you have who have.Yeah i so you're like you're happy white kid though.You have to a memorial i got a mortgage happy.Every blackmail but who have nothing to me into the pool the i.You let fred have this huge huge huge issues.How the crowd up there toronto was through a lot more bear fans and still friends were there.There are a lot of bears fans a lot of bears little bears fan pretty much everywhere we go round judgment you know we it was a good.Virginians brought religion where everything.You know the game ultimately got to play more games in canada because jay cutler has yet to throw an interception in canada.Apparently don't go to did you go to a cup after it hit it.What what do you guys did you guys constrictor office load the more review some the u.They did to the game plan to help cut down there may be just quicker drops.In and day they had great pass protection minimized.Turnovers. And defense and we get it wouldn't seeTurnovers bad.The right time.You right border.I don't know we're in right before half a believer we we we did oh yeah and our offense scores in game get a pick.In and we score and end at the in the game getting in again so.Why were you when we needed.Israel idonije he came up big for you guys yesterday helton is the lone canadian.Yeah how cool that think he was yesterday.I don't know i loved them how had a think and and all time that i museum don't know words doing the.Did like he's like be the the bitter american tear drop coming out of i like to address commercial were kids and yeah it.Here to hear me any love.That is classic give exactly and even legally he's your team exact drops obviously that's.A lot bigger away from him but a by product memorably just don't have to julius peppers.Yeah i mean you're you.Got a guy like israel idonije.Who's taking advantage.Who's taking advantage of the position he's getting you know got a are are also gone blue Peppers.And they're him into whatever beginning june max protecting his side and he's getting 10 please don't just pull them.Then you'd actually you have your good friend brett favre coming back you guys play in the vikings you always said you love to play against far.And you pick him off constantly.Explain to yourself my friend.Because you know got like her car needs he didn't hurt you don't meet your goals and touchdowns and i really like to be sacked.He like at belongs so you don't whom you've heard of law some time to get it is welcome.That very often it's the wrong color but you specifically your team you've got to not a lot success.Does he block you know a guy who is there something that you see did you locker you do know if he's looking this way throw that way there's somebody is different about him you figured out.Did all day you know sometimes a sometimes it looks like the go.He's got god totally within these guys just say you know what.And not that it don't worry about that www.chipgold.co.uk being established you know.Yeah i that.Suits me after that you threw it there you go thank you.And it makes me sosa atoms are and cut cut cut cut cut cut it could change myself happy.Wes welker and a consumed both kicking at least attempting field goals yesterday.It if if there's one other thing you can do.On your team to contribute would be you wanna kick when i catch a pass wanna take a pitch in the backfield what is throw what what do.I want it didn't give me some fundamental protocols in place we'll call to place.Yeah golf and plays that we get is that guys don't feel because and i got clear success that what was your regularly over chicago boy out there in.In washington donovan mcnabb the shanahan what was your thought of that whole situation that could get their story straight about why they can't stand in dallas up.You know men debt debt debt to meet its makes you do does four i can and there's a little Ralph Lauren Dresses cry about it.You know am gonna cry about it did you notice them that's got to got to let this stuff so you know i can't let it.What what that'll probably be in there.Him because that's for you better than a couple other and regard it is.Darnell we leave you would if it is three and out like yeah he got a little right there but.Bridge straight out yet where there are your game in canada and i know you're all bummed out it wasn't a night game because of course.You want to go around and explore the city a little bit more so.There's three things you learned from your our neighbors up north.One fleeing moment and play very clean really berkeley as.Two.Nice folks okay nice folks go ahead.Inaudible want.Look good on today canadian postcard.Thought i don't i have seen a person before and i'm i'm pretty sure that chris hanson publishing their land unfortunate break retention.A i appreciate you joining us you've got issues go back and do whatever you were doing your computer and your friend through their in the background.Before it can only.It's it's well.

